What began decades ago vocalized to us by Daddy Bush proclaiming the advent of the New World Order, along with many others, has become apparent to all of us. This includes our Globalist Military Industrial Complex and Secret Societies we were warned about by Eisenhower and JFK. This now has penetrated almost every institution and globalist corporation ranging from medical, big pharma, education, our 17 agencies, justice system, Congress, etc.
This week was historic. The sinister movie is playing out.
Remember, this did not begin with Donald Trump. It's far more complex. As a former Democrat and his myriad of contacts from all sides of the spectrum, his background and knowledge from his Uncle who was close to Tesla, Trump knows very well where the bodies are buried. Why did he start Truth Social? If you're censored for speaking truth, most always, you're over the target.
Remember, Trump repeatedly says, They're not after ME, they're after YOU; I'm just in the way. Essentially, the Deep State wants and has wanted him DEAD.
Trump has been a scapegoat for the real plans of this New World Order, their Green New Deal, Sustainable, controlled cities and communities, IRS and 87,000 recruits fully armed, climate change, gun confiscation and Red Laws, reprogramming our youth, our religious institutions, tearing down statues, mandates & censorship galore, world depopulation to 500 million, transhumanism, surveillance, controlling what we eat, where we travel, even brain chips, hooking us up to computers, digitalized banking, the end of our dollar, etc.
(The Petro Dollar is doomed to failure as we continue to print money we don't have. We need the Gold Standard no longer controlled by the old Central Banks.)
Let's add Eating Insects! And don't forget infiltration and reprogramming of our military. Unlike China, our military is even sponsoring drag queen parties.
Parents are deemed Domestic Terrorists for speaking up at School Boards. Feds confiscate guns of innocent civilians in Blue States under Red Flag laws. Child trafficking and grooming is off the charts.
Their openly stated plan to destroy our constitution and way of life is rapidly being exposed.
Remember, we don't have a Democracy; We have a Constitutional Republic, now rapidly waning. A pure Democracy doesn't even follow a Bill of Rights. Like Biden said, the Second Amendment is not absolute.
This is a global, climactic battle between Good and Evil. God is no longer mentioned at the Democratic Convention. We have no souls, says Yuval Noah Herari, lead advisor to Klaus Schwab, the leader of the World Economic Forum
The conflict stretches far beyond party lines. Even Robert Kennedy Jr is shocked. JFK would never be accepted by these far left Marxists.
Top that off with six globalist corporations in charge of mainstream media, and the close ties of social media to the CIA. their Mockingbird Operation. Also research HAARP and DARPA.
We don't know who the puppet masters exactly are controlling Biden. Many of them, but not the full picture. We know Biden said via prompter that the USA needs to take the lead in the New World Order. He has had dementia since he began campaigning.
Democrats said he would unite the nation, now torn apart by the seams. I personally called it elder abuse. He was used by the mighty puppet masters.
We're not even sure if someone is playing double for Biden as we ridicule him. As most every world leader has one or two. Certainly we see the green screens behind him.
We do know from Intel that many government officials are compromised, blackmailed and paid off. Both Epstein and Maxwell were connected to the CIA. More will eventually emerge about them, the Black Book.
We are now heading into the storm, the reason for the background music in Trump's latest video. See below. Our near-death experience is close and not far from the horizon.
My only suggestion is to BE PREPARED for a GUT PUNCH. Remind everyone to Wake Up, do their own research, be careful of Google and Duck Duck Go. Use libraries and university libraries.
Finally, draw the line. Those who choose corruption will pay a grand price. Even the rich are not safe this time.
Americans have needed to wake up for a long time ago. Instead, they repeat the mainstream news,, MSN, and claim it's all true. We are all guilty of ignorance and apathy.
The Deep State will stop at nothing to deter them from their goals, even a Blue Beam Alien Invasion.
Remember, their goal is total control over the world. Do not bend. Have courage. Put on the full armor of God.
Blessings, Cherie
Below is an excellent interview with Oxford Scholar Joseph Farrell by Dark Journalist, known for his knowledge about UFOs. Joseph has an excellent perspective on the FBI raid. It's likely Trump will be indicted as the shot heard around the world. We'll see.
Things will begin to culminate in October and continue. Military intervention is possble. Even our elections could be delayed.
Also, watch Indonesia, and learn why Pelosi went there.
Learn to see how MSM tries to distract you from truth with their CIA Mockingbird Operations. Look over there while something is happening here. Read about HAARP and weather manipulation. Research False Flag events.
Finally, if you are a true Patriot who loves America, do NOT get involved in any violent protests. This is exactly what the Deep State has wanted on every level, Division. Antifa, BLM may try to dress up like MAGA supporters like the videos of them January 6th.
Stay close to home and work within your community beginning at September End. This is Intel we're receiving.
President Donald Trump's latest video just before the raid.